Sunday 9 October 2011

Date Six ...Of Nookie and Notches...

A lot of material for this blog is spurred from random conversations and interactions. One such recent conversation revolved around the thesis of sexual partner numbers,

what numbers are counted as low and high for men/women?
should you disclose your 'number' to your partner?
in this day and age, do the notches in your bedpost still mean something?

I set about to ask my favourite answer man Sir Google, do numbers really matter and what’s the 'average number of sexual partners' for both genders?

There was a mixed review with people from all around the world weighing in on the topic justifying their yes’s and no’s and I also found a ball park range on the million dollar question:

"men average sleep with 7-31 partners in their lifetime whilst women record 4-15 partners - US Study"

Take a moment, put those numbers into perspective (as well as add in the one or two more cases you KNOW those people failed to mention) and ask yourself numbers matter? Do you want to marry a man that has slept with 31 women? Would you wife a chick that has been with 15 men?

Clearly there is a different weight system attached to both genders. Men with high numbers are revered as experienced stallions whilst women who take the frequent horizontal path are considered seasoned trollops. On the flip side, men with low numbers are supposedly timid and just a few days away from bursting drag-on out the of closet as with low numbered women deemed either shy, devout hand holding Christians or burdened with Daddy issues.

Blessed with friends on both ends of the sexual spectrum and having listened attentively to their tryst recalls, it’s fair to say that the world has become way way way way more casual about sex.

Lyrics and lines have been virtually dialled down to

“C’mon, it’s just a little pokey”

It’s a highly sexualized world and this liberation poses as a surreal alternative to ‘prudeness’. Those who indulge are viewed as ‘skilled’ at knowing what, when, how, who you want et al... I believe they call it ‘experienced’ lol

I have a male friend who is a few years younger than me who has testified to sleeping with around 30 women and I don’t think he’s he really isn't fibbing. One of my femmes, I think we've both lost track of her numbers and I’d be doing myself severe disservice if I never admitted that I wait patiently for her to pen her own sexscapade novel. Both have high numbers and seem to happy functioning members of society whilst the undersexed...well hey...they write blogs on a Sunday night...

Anyway, with this worldwide sexual prerogative it is important to note in the same vein that it pays to be careful where you throw your loins, affections and immune system.

Times are too unpredictable so as sexually responsible adults, I would encourage some discussion...however what should matter the most is your sexual practises history and not so much your sexual partner past...

Talking about ‘the number’ is one of those conversations where one might try to judge or make conclusions but really it can't tell you if your partner has a history of cheating or a clean bill of health...those things aren't guaranteed...whatever 'the number'... 

so hi, i'm TRR... lets talk about sex...


  1. So I guess I should start blogging too :(

  2. lololol.. y not if u have nothing better to do with your 'sunday nights' either :-)

  3. so I guess this is why i blog too then :(
