Tuesday 27 September 2011

Date Five....The Mystery Man

Over the past couple of days things on the personal side have been pretty trying. With all the muddles I found myself in, it made great material for the blog but I’m resolute to respecting my own privacy… nary do I want to regret an entry… so here’s to sieving through the vast obstructions to unload on my blog…

An earlier post of mine explored the wonders of chemistry and attraction. In my ramblings, I swore by the instinctive click and feeling of kindred however another facet has emerged that has forced me to take a second look at my ‘laws of lust’… the element of mystery.

The scene is set: wonderfully handsome clever man meets awesome me and after several bouts of interaction, I conclude I’m really none the wiser to the 'real' him but certainly subject and weak to his wiles and charm. I don’t know him and yet…he’s constantly in my thoughts  :-/

We talk…quite frequently at that… but if the KGB picked me up hoping to squeeze info on him…I’d be useless and perhaps in shock at how poorly I know my ‘ever present thought dweller’…

Perhaps it’s the cloak and dagger mentality that keeps me piqued… this living spontaneity…this person in the shadows who makes everything more wonderfully contrived that it needs to be… but whilst I understand how a shrouded secretive nature may lure suitors, how sustainable is it being ‘the international man of mystery’…?

Fact is…it’s cute…(for a time). The not knowing, the guessing, the trying to fill in the blanks, wondering what exciting leads are contained in his/her past, the imaginative build up… but if the adage about expectations versus reality is true, then the centrifugal force that keeps us going round and round in a lust tizzy must certainly come to an end..(right?)
Still spinning and awaiting freedom…

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