Monday 9 April 2012

Date Nine...carbons, copies and clones

And like the Eddie Murphy amidst multiple bad movie reviews I have returned....

Should we start this off with an apology or an explanation? #sighs
Lets just cut to the chase -  I've been absent. Loads of personal and professional changes but I resurface, ready to write. Thanks to all the persons who questioned me relentlessly about my blog... hope this shuts you up now *wink wink*

Throughout my 'sabbatical', loads of topics relevant to this blog crossed my is, I don’t even know where to start so here’s to the keypad, the chippies banana chips, the can of coke and 20 GB loaded iTunes on shuffle guiding the process.

Weddings are always good indicators to single people that no matter what toys we have at home, no matter who comes to visit every Saturday night or who calls on the same extension as nature that we are still alone.

So after attending the latest single self affirmation session last month (not to detract from how gorgeous the wedding was and how uber-sweet the couple are) I questioned why each suitor fell short of being ‘the almighty one’  then like my Christmas credit card bill in January, it hit me...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result but I have far too keen taste in shoes and accessories to be declared insane so I’m not (entirely) mad...but I must be because I’ve been dating carbon copies of one man.

My rambling theory was pretty much confirmed this weekend when I asked my friend to weigh in on a 'potential' and she said, "he looks just like ‘he-who-shall-not-be-named, as did xxx and yyy and zzz" 

Have I really been dating carbon copies of Voldemort? 


  1. I coulda told you this a year ago, and as a friend I pobly should have, at the time, given you foresight into would become your repetitive dance. Still, though, would you have heeded my warning? Nope.
    "But you never knew any of them..." she thinks to herself.
    I don't have to. I know this:
    - You're a woman
    - You're a woman only now gaining credible/relevant experience mileage in the "serious" dating game.

    Now dust yourself off, work on your perception of what your mind "sees" as attractive, and quit giving it up to dumbass dudes.

  2. I guess being a late bloomer in a sense has had its good and bad repercussions. I don't think I have a flawed perception of attractive and i'm pretty open to 'different' however for some reason or the other, the strong swimmers boast the same modus operandi and meet the same demise so your'e right. As a perpetually 25 year old woman, i'm now challenged to shift my dating paradigms.
