Monday 30 April 2012

Date Eleven... The Blinking Red Light

Is it blinking yet?
 *wait wait wait*
*wait wait wait*….maybe he’s driving home….
*wait wait wait*…. I wonder if he’s ok??
I wonder if he’s trying to call me and my phone signal is fluctuating?  *wait wait wait*
Damn Digicel signal is probably off…*wait wait wait*
 I wonder if I should call him… or bbm him? *wait wait wa….sceams, my phone is blinking!!*
Read: ‘Email – Old Navy Mother’s Day Sale now on thru to May 15’
Damn it all it to hell….
Mix, Stir and Repeat this ish 24hours/7 days a week

I’m crushing on somebody hard and I couldn’t be more annoyed! The persistent thought dweller has converted good-good me into a bowl of mush and mash. I swoon and smile, he makes me laugh, we have a similar fondness for food and music and he’s pretty damn cute…but damn it all to hell, my expected euphoria is riddled with grief because having a crush sucks… yes I said it… I dislike crushing!

I expect you to say at this point, this knock kneed girl has no idea what she wants, cos now she find somebody she likes and her first reaction is disdain and nausea but:

i.              I spend all my good productive hours glancing at my phone wondering if he’s thinking of messaging me at the exact moment that he’s sauntering around in my head (which is every 10 secs grrr)

ii.            Having my emotions linked to someone else is exhausting…if he calls or messages, I’m a ‘please puss’ if not, I sulk…

iii.           I have to dress nice every day just in case he says lets link after work… Can’t afford a pop down day in the early stages…you must think i get up out of bed looking like a fox..

iv.           I daydream way way way way more often about ‘inappropriate’ things… mostly during work hours

v.             You have me googling and researching your behind!

vi.           I’m always over analyzing and waiting … I’m perpetually waiting for the blinking light and asking…what does the smiley face mean, why did he say that?

Crushing has left me tired, emotional and cranky. I’ve lost my restraint and self-control…this is straight primal behavior *insert call of the wild here*

Anyone else ever feel this way?


  1. crushing is my hobby!! even now I tell my bf about all my crushes...however I have had 2 crushes that exhausted me much like what you explained. However both turned out to be NOT what i expected. I think life is short..TELL HIM. The most he could say is no or he could turn out to be just a lot of pomp and pageantry! Please JUST DO have nothing to lose and everything to gain boo

  2. there are other lil niggling factors why this crush is a bad idea and that's another internal debate. I can't wait for this silly feeling to be over...its at the point now where seeing him makes me uncomfortable in a happy way... utter madness

  3. Word of advice -from a man- about dressing your best... stop. Well, don't throw all regard to the wind, but don't go crazy tryna stay fly 24/7. I can assure you, no matter how much flyer than the next chic u are, he's already pictured every curve of your body and is only waiting for visual confirmation. The clothes are nice, and tell "us" you take pride in your appearance, but the only thing keep us interested is the figure we've imagined... and 'tis the figure we eventually see that will continue to keep us interested. I swear on my left nut, you can be fly as fck in ur threads, but if the visuals don't confirm what we initially thought we liked... then "you are the weakest link. Goodbye"

  4. i'm happy to report that this crush has run its course and is considered null and void

  5. aaaaaaand then he kissed me...
    crap on a pinewood stick.. :-)
