That's what I thought too..expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies. Its like we become our own psychics and naturally believe that whatever it is that we are harping on will happen just the way we planned it in our heads...and when it doesn't, we become confused and disappointed.
Expectation is not a synonym for 'hope' wherein as the first I think is a 'future belief of what one wants to happen/see's happening' and the latter conveying the belief of 'optimism for positive outcome but sometimes without a defined path of achieving goals desired'. You can HOPE to win the lotto.. but you better not EXPECT to!
I learned pretty quickly in life that expectations are the devil and I try to manage them as realistically as I can in all areas - work, relationships, friendships, buying shoes blindly online et al.
Expectations give far too much power to the 'expectoring' (yes i'm coining my own words now...and what!?) and you the 'expectant' sit and wait for them to play the winning poker card.
Considering I learned to play poker this past birthday, I wouldn't say I'm the strongest player and won't be entering any major jackpot tables soon ergo if expectations only lead to disappointments-in-waiting, why do we sit around and wait for others (people, circumstances) to disappoint us?
So here is to everything being everything and living on the 'expectations of realistic girl' who doesn't wear rose coloured glasses..
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