Friday 29 July 2011

Date One...Who Got's The Bill?

On a recent trip home, I had the 'pleasure' of sitting near some pretty rowdy 'kunchie ppl' who went on and on about various topics. My ears however perked up at one particular analogy with man and woman relations that i'd never heard before, clearly I've paraphrased a bit and removed all the reprehensible "beinde go's and de's" but this is the gist..

 a woman starts out a relationship like a caterpillar.. she'll go slow, love you hard and will do anything - 'anytime + anyplace'
a woman evolves into a cocoon... she nests with you and makes you feel safe and comfortable
a woman finally becomes a butterfly...she takes your nectar - your cash and essence, leaves you high and dry and goes searching for another to suit her appetite...

hmm...whilst the analogy has several bits for me to dissect, the section that strikes me the most is one that every eligible dater must consider...'relationships and money' ... such an expansive discussion... 

Who should pay on dates?
Should a man mind a woman?
Is it wrong for a woman to hunt men of means?
Does a man feel emasculated if a chick pays?

While I’ve never had a fellow ‘mind’ me, the theory is certainly attractive - not having to spend much of my own card taken care and nails taken care of all the time, groceries, funds to go shappin’ ..dat'd be maaaad but..*slaps self in head*..back to reality..

This whole woman will nyam you out heart and soul ish is getting old. Not all women are schemers, cheaters or gold digging wenches. I for one have NEVER asked a man for money or asked a man to buy me anything. My mother was firm on the whole self-reliance bit. In all honesty, there may have been one ex I can think of that I may have borrowed cash from with prompt and full repayment and that was only because we were years comfy inna we ting.

Men whine that women are expensive as well as 'fiscally dishonest' but really how does acquiring a bonifide make her/equate to her being your dependent? Aren't we all as adults financially responsible for ourselves? I don’t expect a man to pay for everything but it stands to reason I ain't messing with no broke fool either..

While as a gent it may be chivalrous to pay for dinner and movies, I also think it’s perfectly acceptable to go halves or to take turns on the bill... It’s really not a big least for a working sensible woman

  • she never offers to pay, not even for likkle Haagen Dazs, best believe homeboy you'll be tipping for life on the hair and nails...shut it down!
  • there is always a story or prelude followed by a request especially in that first year.. shut it down!
  • a request comes with concern about your the 4 digit magical pin..shut it down!
  • a request always follows the 'happy ending' session, wipe yourself off and shut it down!
  • she makes a request to forego prophylactics... shut it down and run! 
...if you need to pay to access the 'benz' then start better you walk..

Women however aren't the only ones with apparent outstretched arms, if men say women are apt at the art of relieving them of their money then the man that makes a sister part with it must be packing one powerful penis. :-/

I can think of one case where a sista gone into debt mindin a fool. He doesn’t work and is dependent on her. She says she doesn’t care because he’s coming home to her at night 

All the same, the toad in question is smooth.. smooth till him slimy however he’s got game and I give him that..such a pity his ‘head’ is all up her head.. common sense cut gone long time! 

In summation, relationships and courting should never spurn heated arguments on money... a relationship ain't a marriage <---that's something loads of people don't understand…so i'll repeat, a relationship/courtship is NOT a marriage. No modern woman should be opposed to holding her own nor should she be that feminist to turn down a free drink. 

..then again, nice girls prolly don't get rich and who am I to knock what I haven't tried eh?
i remain broke and fabulous....  

Tuesday 26 July 2011

What's In a Blog?

I figured it would only be a matter of time before I got into this blogging thing and alas I've been snagged.

There are certain evils I've intentionally gone out of my way to avoid and whilst some I will have to play close to my chest for fear of them popping from behind the Mulberry bush, blogging was definitely a no-no with twitter running a close second.

Reason being... I think I hate writing :-/  

Ok ok...maybe not all the time, but certainly sometimes it becomes rather gruelling...but why you say?
Simple answer...I write for a living...but don't get it twisted, i love what i it’s fair to say that writing and I have a serious love-hate relationship... I guess that makes writing my boyfriend...
We all write...whether its messages, emails, doodles, surname matches with Mr./Mrs. McDreamy but for a writer, constructing even a supermarket list soon becomes tedious and will elicit groans and grunts. Does an accountant want to spend his leisure time looking at more numbers? 

But as I continue to tap out letters on this keyboard, I scour my brain for purpose... so what's in a blog?

A blog (short for weblog) is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption
I don't even vocalize half the 'personal' thoughts that run through my head (except obvious funny faux pax) yet I here I have now committed myself to write them...hmm.. 

Commitment for me is a big deal and a big step so let's reciprocate then eh Mr. Blog...
..For my passionate entries, i expect to feel fluidity and experience less writers block professionally..
..For my thought provocations, i expect progress in my own self journey and introspection..
..I expect at the end of it all for us to be head over heels in love...

                             so we've sealed the deal with a 'click' now let our relationship begin...