I suppose its rather silly to start this blog out with salutations for
2013 right.. so i'll forgo all of that nonsense plus the apology for prolonged
absence and just dive head first into what i'm thinking...makes sense eh?
So with exactly a week less to go before i turn 25 again...its time for
over thinking .. This is my third single birthday...i'm not sure how to feel
about that..empowered, indifferent or sad? I love birthdays, ok no...i hate
birthdays till the actual day itself. I dread turning older and inching towards
30 but I love the actual day...the calls, the 'made much of' by friends, the
whole enchilada but leading up to the day is a whole sad countdown.
For this particular birthday, history repeats itself but I think there
is a little more bulk to the 'mopey myrtle' countdown with the being bogged
down with school deadlines and swelling work responsibility - dare I say that
i'd rather not celebrate it alone.
Christ I've caught couple fever.... or maybe just maybe, i need to get
Happy 'Freaking' Birthday ...